Highline Vision Center
Highline Center For Vision Performance

Vision is a Learned Skill

Vision is a Learned Skill

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Vision is a learned skill that develops along with other skills as a baby grows. Movement and vision are significantly interrelated and the development of vision has to do with the types and varieties of experiences a child has.

It is important to remember that the eyes are part of the brain system. The eyes “see” but the brain “interprets.” A person can have 20/20 eyesight, which measures visual acuity at a distance, and still have a visual skills problem making near work — like reading, writing, or using a computer — extremely difficult. In fact, seeing 20/20 is just one of 20 visual skills necessary to succeed in reading, learning, sports, and in life.

20 Visual Skills


Central vision – clarity
Peripheral vision – awareness of the area outside central fixation
Central/peripheral awareness – being able to focus on the subject while still being aware of what’s happening peripherally
Eye movement control — Accurate and sustained fixation, accurate and smooth tracking
Sustained focus at far
Sustained focus at near
Focus flexibility – easily and accurately changing focus from distance to near and from near to distance
Accurate alignment of the two eyes for distance – eye teaming, binocular vision
Accurate alignment of the two eyes for near – eye teaming, binocular vision, convergence
Eye teaming flexibility – maintaining alignment as one changes visual attention from one distance to another
Depth perception – stereovision, 3D vision
Visual– motor integration, gross
Visual – motor integration, fine
Visual memory, including sequential visual memory (remembering things in the correct order)
Visual discrimination — distinguishing likes and differences
Visual figure ground – being able to see the forest for the trees
Visual closure – being able to perceive what the entire picture or idea is when seeing only bits and pieces of it.
Directionality – knowing the correct orientation
Visual spatial relationships – knowing where things are in relation to each other and to oneself.



Most visual skill deficiencies reveal themselves when a child enters school because the learning environment is increasingly more demanding of young learners. One out of four children have undiagnosed vision problems. If you’ve ever heard a parent say, “My child is so smart but still, he struggles in school and every day, homework is a battle!” you are hearing a common pain felt by parents of kids who have undiagnosed vision problems. The truth is, once the visual barrier is removed, these kids love school and love to learn.

See our complete checklist of symptoms.



Adults who have managed to graduate high school in spite of a vision skills problem may not pursue college or may drop out early because the demanding workload for reading is just too much. These incredibly smart adults become very skilled at avoiding reading in their personal life as well as at work — and it’s no wonder when reading can be physically painful and exhausting for them! When you consider how few jobs there are that do not include working on a computer, it is easy to see why an adult who suffers from a vision skills problem may have limited career choices and growth opportunities. Learn more about how we help adults with visual skill deficiencies.



Because good vision is a learned skill it is also a skill that can be enhanced. High school graduates who want to optimize their reading and comprehension efficiency can benefit from Vision Therapy. Our customized programs prepare college students in a way that no other type of college-prep can: By enhancing the eye/brain connection. When visual efficiency, comfort, and stamina is at it’s peak, students can learn faster, easier, and work longer more comfortably than ever before. These skills support learning while in school and professional success for a lifetime.



Sports Vision Training is a secret weapon of professional athletes that they never talk about. As you know, the skills difference is very small between successful athletes and those who don’t make the cut so fine-tuning all areas of play is critical.

Further developing vision skills improves:

  • reaction time
  • focusing speed
  • eye tracking
  • peripheral awareness
  • visual processing speed
  • eye/hand coordination
  • and clutch concentration

We have helped high-school students improve their sports performance to levels that allow them to receive scholarships for college and then move on to pro teams. We have helped aspiring young athletes early in their sports career gain an edge in their performance. We even help weekend warriors improve their game just for bragging rights. Whatever level you play, Sports Vision Training will give you an edge.

BONUS: Athletes that complete our Sports Vision Training also report improved learning and performance in the classroom as a result of improved visual skills.



When you understand the vital connection between the eyes and brain for seeing, comprehension, and coordination it is easy to realize how a traumatic brain injury, such as a stroke or concussion, can disrupt or distort the flow of information from the eyes to the brain. When vision problems due to a brain injury go untreated, the rehabilitation process can be adversely affected. It is absolutely imperative that any rehabilitation program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of the visual system.

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.

Remote Vision Therapy

Remote Vision Therapy

Remote vision therapy is a modern approach that leverages digital platforms to deliver therapeutic exercises and treatments to patients from the comfort of their own homes. This method is particularly beneficial for individuals who have difficulty accessing in-person care due to geographical, mobility or scheduling constraints. 

Through the use of video conferencing and specialized software, our vision therapists can work on activities with the patient, provide real-time feedback and direct the progress of the vision therapy program. Remote vision therapy can address a variety of vision issues, including but not limited to convergence insufficiency/binocular dysfunction, eye movement dysfunction, visually related learning problems and visual perceptual problems, by offering personalized exercises and guidance. This approach not only increases accessibility to essential eye care services but also allows for more frequent and consistent follow-up, leading to potentially better outcomes for patients.

Ideally, we see the patient in person for one vision therapy session, including the provision of all home therapy equipment needed.  Subsequent vision therapy sessions are conducted remotely.  Whenever possible, vision therapy progress evaluations (done every 8-12 weeks) are conducted in-office.  (In the case of patients who have been referred by another optometrist, progress evaluations may be done with that doctor.)

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.

Cultivating Early Vision Development

Vision is a learned skill

Our ability to see is limited when we are born – we cannot use our eyes together, focus far or near, track smoothly and efficiently or understand what we see. These vital skills develop over time and if these skills do not develop normally they could substantially interfere with a child’s ability to learn.

Vision is a learned skill, developing along with other skills as a baby grows. Ideally our vision develops in an appropriate developmental sequence, but too often we just assume that by age 5 or 6 when a child starts school, he or she automatically has a healthy, developmentally ready visual system.

Most school and pediatrician visual screenings check for visual acuity alone and do not screen for visual skills including tracking, focusing, eye teaming or visual information processing skills.

The American Optometric Association guidelines for comprehensive vision examinations for children:

  • Infants should receive a comprehensive baseline eye exam between the ages of 6 and 12 months, immediately after the critical period when the eye undergoes rapid and profound changes and is therefore most vulnerable to interference with normal development
  • Preschoolers should receive at least one in-person, comprehensive eye exam between the ages of 3 and 5 to prevent or diagnose any condition that may have long-term effects
  • School-aged children (6 to 18 years) should receive a comprehensive exam prior to entering the first grade and annually thereafter

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

The fact that an infant must learn to walk and talk is fully accepted by everyone. It is most important to know that the infant must also learn to see, hear, feel, smell, and taste – the machinery for each is present, but he/she must learn to use it.

– How to Develop Your Child’s Intelligence by G.N.Getman, O.D

Movement and vision are interrelated

Developing good vision has to do with the types and varieties of experiences a child has. Today’s children are exposed to very different experiences in early childhood than they once were, and as a result many children have poor motor skills when they enter school.

Movement and vision are significantly interrelated. Children need to run more, jump, climb, throw, catch and ultimately play more to naturally develop good vision. If a child doesn’t have very rich experiences in any area of development it can seriously delay or hamper development in some or all other areas. Any developmental delay can affect a child’s ability to learn properly in school, play sports, socialize and later excel in their career. Think about how screen time might cause a delay in visual development!


The good news is that because vision is a learned skill, it can be taught and trained. Since 1982, Highline Center for Vision Performance has provided guidance for children with developmental delays to help build the skills necessary for them to reach their potential.

Call today to schedule an evaluation for your child of any age to see if their visual development is on target.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.

Treating Crossed, Wandering or Lazy Eyes


Strabismus is a condition where the eyes are misaligned. This may happen occasionally or may be constant. It is estimated up to 5% of children have strabismus and they will not grow out of it. While it is best to initiate treatment as soon as possible for an optimal visual outcome, strabismus in adults is still treatable. The effects of strabismus if left untreated include reduced 3D vision, double vision, suppression (the brain ignoring the input coming from the misaligned eye), amblyopia (lazy eye) and low self esteem.

Vision therapy is a structured program of optometric procedures prescribed to improve the coordination of the two eyes. For additional information, call our office and request a brochure.


Amblyopia, often called “lazy eye”, is a treatable disorder of vision development that begins during infancy and early childhood. With amblyopia, an otherwise healthy eye is unable to achieve normal visual acuity (20/20) even with glasses or contact lenses. In addition to poor visual acuity, people with amblyopia are more likely to have difficulties with eye-hand coordination, clumsiness, reading, depth perception and understanding what is seen.

The latest research demonstrates that binocular vision therapy is the most effective long-term solution for amblyopia. Full time patching is rarely the best option for treatment of mild to moderate amblyopia. If patching is indicated, most cases of amblyopia will show improvement with just 2 hours of fogged patching per day in combination with specific visually stimulating activities. For additional resources, please visit www.amblyopiaproject.com or call our office and request a brochure.

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.

Brain Injury Rehabilitation

Vision therapy has given me the hope to read a book again following a head injury a little over a year ago.

—  M.H. age 43


Everything you do in rehabilitation after an acquired brain injury requires visual function!

There is a vital connection between the brain and vision. A brain injury such as a blow to the head or a stroke can interrupt the visual process in any number of areas. This causes the stream of information to be impeded or distorted. Unfortunately, visual problems from brain injuries often go unnoticed during the early treatment phase of the injury. Unidentified or neglected visual problems could impair rehabilitation in all areas.

There are many symptoms caused by a brain injury: intolerance of visually crowded spaces, light sensitivity, short term memory problems, dizziness/nausea, reading issues (such as reduced comprehension, words appear to move on the page), blurriness, headaches, lack of concentration, double vision, etc. When visual problems go undetected and untreated after a brain injury, patients and their families experience terrible frustration because other rehabilitation methods are proving less effective than hoped.

The rehabilitation process must include an evaluation of the visual system and treatment of visual problems. The optometrists at Highline Center for Vision Performance work as an integral part of the rehabilitation team to help the brain injured patient. Vision problems related to brain injuries can be radically reduced or successfully eliminated, helping the rest of rehabilitation go more smoothly. Call today to schedule an evaluation.

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.

Sports Vision Training

I came for sports vision therapy and even though I was in honors classes, I found I was a very slow reader. In fact, I would not have been able to keep my baseball scholarship if I had not become a faster reader. Having a sports scholarship is like having a full-time job!

—  Ty, age 18

Vision Training Builds Better Athletes

Performing well gives an athlete more enjoyment of their sport, no matter what level – weekend warrior, amateur or professional. Highline Center for Vision Performance recognizes that even players with 20/20 visual acuity or those who already do well at their sport can drastically enhance their performance.

The key to making an average athlete better, making a good athlete outstanding, and making a great athlete elite is our personalized sports vision training program. Highline Center for Vision Performance offers a complete assessment of sports related visual abilities and designs an individualized program to help players better succeed at or even dominate their sport through development of competitive visual skills. Customized and tailored for the needs of each athlete and their sport, Highline Vision Center uses the latest techniques to boost performance, improve focus, increase confidence and lessen anxiety.

Performing with trained focus conserves energy for making the right calls, throwing and catching more accurately, perhaps even running faster with more dexterity. Visual skills can be trained and improved to allow an athlete to take in more information and process it faster to make quicker decisions. That advantage can be the difference in your game. Elevate your performance – Call today for a comprehensive evaluation.

Learn About Safety Eyewear for Sports

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.

Higher Education and Career Performance

School & Career Performance Enhancement

Students progressing from high school to college and professionals seeking career advancement oftentimes have significantly increased demand on their visual systems. Visual processing ability and visual efficiency skills will increasingly determine one’s success. With information coming at us with breakneck speed, it is more difficult to keep up with all of the data we must assimilate daily.

Highline Center for Vision Performance can boost visual abilities at virtually any age. By enhancing existing visual function, reading will be considerably faster, with improved retention, comprehension and enjoyment.

Students/Adults who resolve their visual deficiencies become more efficient, have better stamina, comfort and less fatigue. This allows them to be more successful in their careers and have added enjoyment in leisure activities. The difference in points scored on the ACT or SAT test can affect whether a scholarship is awarded or not. It can make a difference in whether the student can keep up with the increased demands of college and affect the number of semesters it takes to complete a degree program.

Since 1982, our optometrists have helped activate hidden potential with treatment programs tailored to optimize visual systems for success in school and work. Highline Center for Vision Performance offers a complementary performance based screening – Schedule one today!

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.

Vision Therapy for Struggling Students

Resolving Visual Deficiencies that Affect Learning

Deficiencies in our visual system adversely affect everything that we do – in particular, our performance at school or work. A diagnosis of a visual acuity (20/20) problem ‘corrected’ with eyeglasses may still leave poor visual skills (tracking, focusing, eye teaming) and/or poor information processing. Passing the 20/20 test tells us nothing about how much effort it takes to see, if we are able to remember or make sense of what we see, or if we can speak or write about what was seen. Children who have 20/20 visual acuity may still take hours to do homework. The learning struggles affect the entire family.

Undiagnosed visual deficiencies may make it difficult or impossible to concentrate, making reading difficult. Adults or children with visual deficiencies may be very smart and yet present with trouble in reading or math. Many people have been misdiagnosed as having dyslexia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when a vision problem was underlying their symptoms.

With proper diagnosis and Highline’s individualized Vision Therapy programs, reading levels and comprehension can significantly improve. Self-esteem increases and negative behaviors of students may be eliminated or vastly reduced.

Call today to schedule a complete binocular vision evaluation.

Thank you Highline for vision therapy and how much it has helped our daughter. Now, she loves school, gets through homework quickly, is reading at grade level, and her confidence is off the charts!


Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

The team of doctors at Highline Vision Center in Aurora, Colorado are friendly, professional, and focused on care.

Free Vision & Learning Screening

I used to get headaches when I would try to read. I thought my eyes would never get better. Now the headaches are gone and I love to read. I also write better and faster. My eyes are now better and I am happy I graduated!

— Analise, 11

At Highline, we provide complimentary Vision and Learning Screenings ($125 value) by appointment. This screening is not the same as a comprehensive eye examination by an optometrist. It screens for vision disorders that interfere with reading and includes a computerized assessment that evaluates tracking with a reading comprehension score. A person may have 20/20 vision and still have vision deficiencies that create significant hurdles in the classroom or on the job.

Visagraph Testing Included

The task of reading is a complex interaction between the information that the eyes collect and what the brain does with that information. Just as reading is a learned process, eye movements for reading follow a developmental process. These eye movements can be measured during Visagraph testing.

The Visagraph allows us to give a very powerful demonstration of how hard the eyes are working to get the task of reading done. The test measures the efficiency of the visual system during the process of reading. The scoring takes into account reading comprehension. The patient wears goggles with sensors in them allowing us to measure the accuracy and efficiency of the eye movements during the process of reading a 100 word paragraph that is at the patient’s independent reading level. Ten questions are then asked to assess comprehension.

Here is the powerful part: we can then put the paragraph on the computer screen and with a “bouncing ball” demonstrate what the patient’s eyes were doing during reading. This is very helpful for parents and patients to see why loss of place, re-reading, using the finger to keep place and other symptoms are occurring.

If you are unsure whether you should schedule a Vision and Learning Screening, please call us for more information. When problems are discovered, we offer a customized training program that addresses specific visual skills deficiencies.

Although Julie was reading at grade level in middle school, she had to work extremely hard to keep up. Once I saw the initial results of the visagraph, I finally understood the reason why my daughter was struggling in school. It was a real eye-opener.

— Julie’s Mom

Our Hours

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

The team of doctors at Highline Vision Center in Aurora, Colorado are friendly, professional, and focused on care.

Vision Therapy Technology

Technology Available at Highline Vision Center

Highline Vision Center prides itself on offering effective vision therapy screenings and programs using the finest optometric technology available. Below is a list of some of the equipment used by our staff and optometrists to care for our patients.

Our Hours

Highline Center for Vision Performance

  • Monday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • Closed - Closed
  • Sunday
  • Closed - Closed
Extended hours by appointment.

Vivid Vision

Vivid Vision is a virtual reality software system that uses goggles and hand-held controllers to help patients with a variety of vision issues. The virtual reality system connects computers, trackers, and goggles together to create an immersive visual (and sometimes auditory) experience. Small screens are positioned in front of each eye that project images. Vivid Vision allows the images to be split with each eye seeing a different image. The strength of the signal being sent to each eye can be adjusted making it easier for the eyes to work together. Users hold controllers that allow them to steer through virtual environments and affect specific elements programmed for interaction. You can play games and visit far away places while enhancing visual skills. Each Vivid Vision session is customized for the patient’s needs.

Vivid Vision is one of many tool Highline Center for Vision Performance has to treat:


VTS 4 is an interactive computer program that uses glasses, a screen, and hand held controllers to diagnose and treat various vision issues. Integrating a flat screen monitor, wireless glasses, and controllers, the system creates 3-D images for patients to interact with in order to assist in vision therapy. Responses to patients actions are in real time and provide a variety of therapy modes.

Patients sit or stand in front of the screen with the wireless glasses on while holding the controller. The vision therapist chooses the appropriate program and sets the parameters. The patient uses the controller to move objects, select appropriate 3-D responses or respond to memory exercises based on their therapy needs.

The therapy is effective for:

  • Eliminating amblyopia
  • Breaking suppressions
  • Improving oculomotor skills (tracking)
  • Improving visual memory
  • Improving accommodative (near/far focus facility
  • Improving eye teaming
  • Treating strabismus (crossed or wandering eyes)

Sanet Vision Integrator

The Sanet Vision Integrator uses a 50” touch screen monitor to help a wide range of patients with visually-related learning problems, amblyopia, and traumatic brain injury. It is also a powerful tool for enhancing eye hand coordination and sports performance.

Patients stand in front of a large touch screen and use their hands to complete activities by touching the screen. In some circumstances, auditory directions must be responded to at the same time visual stimulus is presented. Patients must respond to visual images and “spoken” instructions using their body to complete activities, which helps integrate visual, auditory, and body learning. All portions of the therapy (from color, icon size, speed, and distance from center) are customizable to provide the best therapy for each patient. Feedback is immediate, and the program provides detailed records of what activities have been completed and relevant scores.


The Visagraph is an instrument designed to record the efficiency of eye movements while reading. The system measures eye movements with infrared sensors inside goggles. The movements are tracked and analyzed by a computer, which provides objective measurement about how the patient’s eyes move and track while reading. Once completed, patients can view a simulation during which they view the exact movements the eyes made during the reading process.The visagraph can provide information on:

  • horizontal eye movements
  • the number of fixations (stops) and number of regressions (rereads)
  • the average span of word recognition
  • the average speed of fixation
  • words per minute read
  • directional attack
  • comprehension score and overall grade level efficiency of eye movements

The Visagraph is included in our Vision and Learning Screening and is a powerful tool when it comes to understanding the link between eye movements and reading efficiency.


HTS2 is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use web based program that works with most desktops, laptops, tablets and iPads. It is designed to improve eye movement and eye teaming skills in a step by step manner. It may only be used if prescribed by an eye care professional. HTS2 can be a powerful tool in the remediation of the following diagnosis:

  • Convergence Issues
  • General Binocular Dysfunction
  • Amblyopia
  • Strabismus
  • Headache
  • Eye Strain

All results from HTS activities are stored in the patient’s file for review and discussion between patient and vision therapist.

Vision Builder

VisionBuilder is a web-based therapy program that provides support and variety to an in-office based vision therapy program. VisionBuilder offers many features including binocular activities using red/blue glasses, reading related activities, and visual performance related activities. The program tracks scores and frequency of at home activities that have been assigned by the vision therapist. The therapist can access home rehearsal and adjust the demand of the program as skills develop.


Amblyoplay is a web based, interactive vision therapy for anyone above 3 years old and helps improve all 6 core visual skills required for treatment of a broad range of problems. Using therapeutic games and exercises that adapt to each patient’s specific needs, Amblyoplay can assist in vision therapy for conditions like lazy eye, strabismus, convergence insufficiency, double vision, or other binocular problems. It is highly recommended that Amblyoplay be used in conjunction with an in-person vision therapy program. Amblyoplay also uses:

  • An advanced self-learning algorithm that adapts the therapy to you.
  • Game-based exercises that improve your visual skills.
  • Allows for the coordination of in-office and home vision therapy activities.
  • Motivates and engages patients with a rewarding system.
  • Analyzes and tracks your progress.


FitLight is a training system fully customizable for any sport. Using a mobile app and 8 wireless, motion-sensitive lights that can be positioned anywhere, FitLight trains the connections between what the eyes see, what the brain processes, and how the body reacts. FitLight helps train the body and brain to work together to improve:

  • reaction time
  • mental accuracy
  • sensory processing
  • other neurocognitive attributes

FitLight also provides after-training data to provide users, trainers, and professionals with comprehensive data that will allow them to locate where specific areas of improvement are needed and make necessary adjustments.


Lumosity is a web based program/app that presents daily exercises for the mind, eyes, and brain. Lumosity takes scientifically-validated tasks and turns them into fun games, actionable feedback, and rich insights into your cognition. Activities sharpen the skills you use every day:

  • Memory
  • Attention
  • Flexibility
  • Processing speed
  • Problem Solving

Request a Vision Therapy Screening

Ready to learn more about vision therapy and if it is a good fit for you? Our vision therapy program includes a thorough evaluation of the performance of your visual system.