Education is an investment: Is your student ready?
Many students have mild visual performance problems that cause significant effort meeting the increased demand of higher education.
What Parents Need to Know About Nearsightedness (Myopia) Prevention for Children
Nearsightedness (Myopia) among children has been rapidly increasing for decades yet the risks and treatment are widely misunderstood by parents and caregivers. Prevention and early detection are two keys to controlling this epidemic impacting children’s vision, development and classroom learning. What is nearsightedness?
6 Impactful Ways to Age-Proof Your Eyes
Age proofing your eyesight is a continuous process that is best when started early in life but can be implemented at any age for eye health benefits. The rate in which our eyes age can be reduced if we are mindful of what increases age-related eye diseases and what slows the eye-aging process.
A Parent’s Guide to Children’s Vision: Ages 0-5
Does my child need an eye exam? Many parents are unaware that by age 5, a child should have completed three eye exams with an eye doctor. Vision screenings with a pediatrician are part of an essential health plan, but to get a complete look at how your child’s visual system is developing they need
The Sobering Risks of Skipping That Annual Eye Exam
Many people don’t realize that in addition to keeping your eyes healthy and addressing eye health challenges, optometrists can detect over 270 serious health conditions before symptoms ever occur. That’s because the eye is the only place in the body where any doctor can look at blood vessels and understand the health of an individual’s
Vision therapy helps man recover after concussion
Read more about our patient who suffered a concussion in a car accident in 2015 and benefited from our vision therapy services.