Vision Skills & Vision Therapy
Why can we help so many seemingly various conditions with Vision Therapy? It’s all about the eye-brain connection.
Twice Exceptional: Gifted & Talented Kids Who Struggle
Children whose academic performance is significantly advanced compared to others their age are categorized as gifted. Though these children may struggle in other areas.
Safety and Sports Glasses
It doesn’t matter whether you bat in Little League or skate with the pros, eye gear for sports offers a long list of benefits.
Keratoconus and Specialty Contact Lenses
Dr. Nick Doyle, O.D., talks about Keratoconus and various eye conditions that can be helped with specialty contact lenses. Keratoconus & Specialty Lenses Hi everybody! This is Dr. Nick Doyle from Highline Vision Center and I’m one of the four optometrists here. I just wanted to take an opportunity to talk to you today
Ten Symptoms That Indicate You May Be Suffering from Dry Eye
People can suffer from dry eyes for a variety of reasons. Read more to learn about 10 common causes and symptoms of dry eye.
Understanding Your Child’s Vision Development
A child’s vision development spans many years. Read more to learn more about how your child’s vision changes as they age!