Brain Injury: Vision & Rehabilitation
Addressing damaged visual processing after an acquired brain injury can enhance your rehabilitation.
TearCare System for Meibomian Gland Treatment
When compared to LipiFlow, iLux provided equal improvement in comfort to the patient at 2 and 4 weeks, as well as an equal improvement in clinical signs.
Blephex Treatment: Q&A
BlephEx® is an FDA approved, in-office procedure to treat blepharitis and reduce dry eye symptoms. Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by an overgrowth of natural bacteria along the base of your eyelashes.
Treatments for Dry Eye Disease
When compared to LipiFlow, iLux provided equal improvement in comfort to the patient at 2 and 4 weeks, as well as an equal improvement in clinical signs.
Dry Eye Disease – Ocular Surface Disease
When compared to LipiFlow, iLux provided equal improvement in comfort to the patient at 2 and 4 weeks, as well as an equal improvement in clinical signs.